Davis determined to make an impact at Guerin Catholic
By: Donald Kane
For new assistant athletic director Ryan Davis, the journey to becoming involved with the athletics department at Guerin Catholic High School is a long one; however, given his track record, it is not at all surprising. He has coached baseball, basketball, and golf and taught social studies at three previous schools: Eastern Hancock, Knightstown, and Cathedral. During his time at those schools, he encountered a varied group of athletic experiences. These valuable lessons from his past will help Davis practice different strategies to improve the Guerin athletics department.
“I bring an experience of coaching and being a part of programs that were successful and not so successful, so I’ve seen many ways that help me implement my perspective into this job,” Davis said.
Having an understanding of what works and what does not work regarding athletics will make the work needed to be done more easily accomplished.
Given his time involved in athletics at various schools and understanding what it takes to have an athletics program that contends for championships, why he chose Guerin Catholic may be surprising to some. However, for him, the reason was simple. The tireless work the school dedicates both in the classroom and outside it caught his eye.
Davis said, “I feel the academic rigor and see the teachers who ‘love the children first and then teach them.’ I see Fine Arts and Athletics pour every ounce of energy they have into their programs. It’s humbling to be a part of it.”
Now at Guerin, Davis can begin to integrate his own philosophy as a way to be an example for how he wants the Guerin athletics department to be viewed by others. Every day he has the same routine.
“My personal philosophy is that athletics is an avenue to glorify God through our God given ability and to use athletics to become great teammates to one another. It allows us to invest into something worthwhile and see and feel the results of time and effort,” Davis said.
Having a consistency in how things are run and the high standards in which they are carried out lends itself well to how he wants Guerin athletics to be viewed.
“I think we all want a reputation of people who glorify God through their talents whether it’s in the classroom or the playing field or the choir concert. I hope people are blown away by the abilities and work ethics of our entire community, and I hope we are a school that maximizes their God given gifts.”
There is no question regarding the passion that Davis has for wanting to make Guerin Catholic great. It is palpable when he talks about it. That said, he knows it will not always be easy, as nothing worth having is.
Having a strong work ethic and love for his job and the Guerin Catholic community is perfect for what is still a fairly young school. While at times the task may be overwhelming or daunting, Davis can lean on the relationships he has built over many years for advice.
“I’ve found there is nothing more important than surrounding yourself with people who you want to emulate and who ultimately make you a better person,” Davis reflected. “I’ve had teachers and coaches who I still keep in contact with and are role models about not teaching or coaching but how to treat others.”
While athletics is very important, understanding the bigger goal of trying to help high school students grow into caring and loving people is always the number one priority.
To sum things up, the future for Guerin Catholic athletics is very bright. Davis’s enthusiasm, passion, and determination makes Guerin an attractive destination for athletes to be.
“My job is to make sure we bring in the right people to instill the values of our community, our school and our mission into our student-athletes.”
Knowing his role is the first step to making his mark on the program. Fulfilling it is in the works.
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